Thursday, December 11, 2008


So behind my house is this tiny patch of woods. It is my little nature sanctuary and provides some peace for me. I can go out, look into the woods and relax. I do have to be careful to not look too far right or left as I will see two busy roads, but keeping my head perfectly straight helps ease some of my stress. Well, the several months that I have been living here I have seen some wildlife, nothing spectacular. There are lots of squirrels (who love to torment Killian), several types of birds ( I have seen lots of cardinals, a bluebird or two...), and some raccoons. Well last night, I walked out back and there were six tom turkeys parading around out back. It was such a cool sight, to see them with their necks sticking out and prancing around. I think they may have even been playing a little. Of course as I walked out they noticed Killian and silently snuck off further into the woods. But I enjoyed the beauty of them while I could...hopefully they come back!!

1 comment:

Hinoon said...

I really LOVE your house. It looks like it would be really fun to make. I should get one for the kids to make and see what they come up with-hahah
