Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer, Here I come!!

So I know most of my other teacher friends have had the privilege of summer, but mine just started. I made the mistake ( I know, I know Ian that it is paying for the wedding) of teaching summer school. For those of you who don't know, the devil himself actually invented summer school to torture teachers. He decided to pay well to entice them, but make it a all around horrible experience with noisy kids who never listen.

Well, anyway, I made it through my 12 days with the little devils children and now I have some much needed ME time. What are my plans you ask ( I know you were thinking it)... well spend some time @ the pool, continue with my tennis lessons, get my closets and jewelry organized, take photographs, continue blogging, sleep in, read lots of books, and like most crazy teachers I will probably do some planning for the upcoming school year. Teachers are suckers for that kind of thing. Well, I am so glad to be done and have a few weeks of sanity and summer. If anyone is bored I will be happy to entertain you :)

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