Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend Snippets

I am starting a new series in my blog. It is called Bits of My Weekend and will include snapshots of my weekend. I hope you enjoy it because I love living it!

I had a wonderful weekend. First, it was Good Friday which means that I had an extra day off to enjoy. Friday started off with thunderstorms so I was able to relax to the sound of rain hitting the windows, which is one of my favorite things. Then, I got to spend the rest of the day with my wonderful mom. We did lots of running around (during which I realized that I was wearing two different colored flip-flops) and then we got a chance to do some vintage shopping... my favorite new thing to do. We went to Good JuJu and a new place called Liberty Belle. I got a mirror which I redid this weekend, adorable vintage curtains for my kitchen,  and also a fun cool vase. I also bought myself a few vintage scarfs, one of which you can see in the photos.

Friday also involved lots of yummy food- Dumplings from the Blue Koi and some crabs legs from the restaurant in Bass Pro Shop. And of course some delicious wine, even my mom loved it and she doesn't drink. We closed out the evening by turning the purple room into the gray room!!

Saturday was very busy too. Ian went to his Boulevard Tour which allowed me a bit of time to enjoy my new flowers that are growing in my yard. We then went to the Cole twins first birthday party. The rest of the evening was spent with good friends watching the Final Four Games.

And of course Sunday was a great day because it was Easter. Anytime I get to spend time with my family and my two favorite kids is a great day. Ian and I  started in the morning by dying easter eggs, cleaning, and baking a cake. All the while, the wonderful weather allowed for all the windows to be opened and the music to be on. The nice weather made our Easter Celebration move outside. The kids played with water guns, ran around the yard, played catch, searched for eggs, and had more than their fair share of candy. It brought back some great memories of my own childhood. Killian had a great time chasing the kids around and even got himself a piece of pizza from Charlotte. But since he isn't used to kids, he crashed as soon as they left and has been sleeping since. Overall this was a busy, but very fun-filled weekend. I am very blessed to be surrounded by loving and amazing family and friends.

1 comment:

Breanne said...

I like the Bits of my Weekend! That was cute. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Goodnight Kilian.