Basically, It was 10 rounds with 10 questions in each round. Each round had a different theme and luckily we were a very well rounded team with everyone having expertise in different areas. We had cars, leaf identification, vampire, baseball, french cooking, definitions, Dickens characters, District information, and Oscar songs.
Well we started out a little rocky, which is what we expected. Luckily we had a very enthusiastic team captain who ran to keep our spirits up (thanks court..if nothing else you provided some entertainment) During the fifth round something miraculous happened...we somehow became tied for first place. We stayed tied every round with the other leading team. Well, it was time for the final round and we were still tied. I didn't realize I could get so stressed out over something that really didn't matter.
We were hoping to pull ahead by ten points (one question) or at least be close enough to our predicted score for the tiebreaker. For the record, we predicted 700 points, and our final total score was right on the nose. How awesome is that. In the end we were able to squeak ahead just enough to pull out a win.... and the ability to take the trophy back to school. Nothing like a night of friends and fun for a good cause. Hope you enjoy the photos
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