Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Burnt eggs

So I decided to hard boil some eggs for my new "healthy eating." I put them on the stove to boil and ran upstairs. I was on my computer messing around and talking to Ian when I heard a weird sound. Of course I automatically think that Killian did it, so I yell at him hoping he will stop. Instead, he jumps off my bed and the noise came from downstairs so I know it wasn't him. I go downstairs to investigate and realize that I have left my eggs boiling for 25 minutes without turning down the heat. The sound I heard was the yolk exploding out of one of the eggs. Right now my house smells horrible, like burnt eggs (which I am sure most of you have not every smelled before). I am a little annoyed with myself because I have no eggs and my house smells like shit.

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