I know I am a little late for thankful blog and I also realize that at a quick glance it may look like I don't have a lot to be thankful for, but I now realize that I am so blessed in my life.
- First, I am so thankful that I have found my faith in god this year. I have been able to handle things differently than I would have at any other point in my life because I have been able to give my worry to god. I know I am in a better place because of my faith.
- I am thankful for the ability to change. There are lots of things about myself that I don't always like and I am so grateful that I have the ability to change for the better. I am able to look at myself and see what I don't like and figure out how I can become a better person. This is not an easy task and I know that I have really long journey ahead of me. But I am so glad that I have started down this road.
_ I am thankful for Ian. Not only has he surpassed my expectations for a boyfriend, but he has supported me in all of my troublesome times, even when I didn't let him in very easily. He makes me laugh everyday and makes me feel so loved. I know this year would not have been as positive as it was without him.
- I am grateful for my new interest in art and photography. This is a great way to relax me and I feel like I am doing something substantial for my soul.
- I am grateful for my mom. I know 100% that she will always be there for me and support me in any decision I make even if she doesn't always agree. She sacrificed alot in her life to make my life good and I thank god for her every day.
- Allison.... sometimes you meet someone who you just click with (even if it takes a few years). Allison is that person for me and she has really helped me grow into who I am. I am much more confident in myself because of her. We have so much fun together, but can have serious talks. I am lucky to have her in my life.
- My job. I have a job where I go to work daily and make a difference in the lives of children. I am blessed to have a skill of connecting with children and teaching them. I am also always surrounded by the best people at work. I have such wonderful friends there who know what I am going through both at school and in my life. I am so lucky to work with such wonderful people who love me for who I am.
- Llamas...I am not sure I could ask for a better group of friends. We are all very different, yet so similar. I am so glad to have such fun expereinces with them and to realize that they have my back no matter what.
_ Breanne-- come on... we are soul sisters. I can't imagine my family without her. She is halirious and a great mother. She always makes me laugh and will give it to me real. I love you.
- Charlotte and Sam...come on..there are no two cuter kids in the world. I love them and have made my heart grow bigger.
And I could keep going and going and going. I am so blessed in my life and am thankful for everyone and everything in it!!!
21 hours ago
...I loved you before I love you now, I love how passionate you are about living, and I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE ME!!!!! I am the lucky one! We have so many magnificent memories, and even more yet to make!
Aww Cara you are great. I love you too! If we could choose our families I would choose you. I'm happy that I get you forever~no matter what!
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