Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's spring...not summer!

So what in people's mind tells them the second it gets slightly warm, and I mean slightly, that is fine to wear shorts, tanks, and flip flops? Now, don't get me wrong.... yesterday was a beautiful day and I was out enjoying it with the best of them. The difference is that I was dressed appropriately. I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a fleece. There we several others who also realized that it was only spring and were therefore dressed appropriately also. But there were even more who thought it was July. I was amazed at the people I saw who seemed to be missing articles of clothing. Everywhere I looked I saw people in tanks tops, open toed shoes or shorts. Come on, I realize that is was a nice day, but be appropriate. I know that they were wishful thinkers, but I also know they had to be cold. Think about it... it is barely March--is that really summer? No it is not! So think about that before you leave the house without all of the clothes you need to keep you warm!

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