The yummy breakfast sandwiches I made Saturday morning.
No more weeds and dead plants :)
The llama crew!
There is nothing better than a late night Taco Bell run!!!
Ian's early birthday present! A pair of Tom's shoes. For every pair that you buy they donate a pair to a child in need. Cute and helpful!
Spring flowers make me very happy!
Cosmic Brownies are delicious.
I conquered one of my fears!
It's official.... SPRING has SPRUNG. And it is very apparent from all of my pictures. I spent most of the weekend outside working in the yard. Friday, Ian was doing his fantasy baseball draft so I took advantage of some alone time. I planted my seeds for my herb garden. The rest of the night, I enjoyed sitting on the deck reading and enjoying the weather. Killian had a great time relaxing in the yard..he loves to be outside.
Saturday was a day spent outside as well. I got up and made some delicious bagel sandwiches. My mom came over and helped us in the yard. I have the most amazing mom who is always willing to help with anything we need. We transplated some flowers into one location. The people who owned the house before had lots of flowers and plants that had become overgrown. So we spent the day cleaning out the leaves and debris from the flower beds. No more weeds and dead plants, now my flower beds look nice and beautiful. Saturday night we met some of our amazing friends at Buffalo Wild Wings for beer and the UFC fight (go Matt Hughes!!!). I always have an amazing time when I am with the llamas and this was no exception. The night ended with the traditional late night visit to Taco Bell. Nothing tastes better after a night of drinking than a TB taco.
Sunday we repaid my mom the favor by helping her out in her yard. Actually Ian helped her out and I enjoyed taking pictures of the clouds, tulips, and anything else that crossed my path. For those of you who know me, you realize I hate, hate, hate worms. I shriek every time I see them and will avoid them at all costs. Well today I held an worm (three to be exact)... nothing like facing a fear. Ian also couldn't wait so he opened one of his birthday presents a bit early. His own pair of Tom's shoes and I must say that he looks adorable in them! I hope you got to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend too!
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