Tuesday, January 27, 2009


You know what I love about home... that when I open the door I always have someone waiting and happy to see me. Killian hears that lock (and I am guessing on this part...but his ears perk up). He stretches since all he does is sleep (like his momma) and then he comes bounding (literally) to find me. He is genuinely happy to see me and it feels great. I am not sure there is anyone else in the world who is genuinely happy to see me ALL the time. I mean honestly, I can go out to get the mail and come back to the same greeting. I love that dog :)


Hinoon said...

I dunno, I'm always pretty happy to see you. My ears don't perk up and I won't slobber all over you, but I love ya.

Cara said...

Now that I think about it you are happy to see me every time and I am always happy to see you!! Great!