Thursday, December 18, 2008


I am currently reading Me Talk Pretty One Day, by David Sedaris. He is a funny guy who has the power to entertain you with tales from his life (think Augusten Burroughs with half of the dysfunction). Well anyone as I was reading today I came across this hilarious quote ( you may not enjoy it as much as I if you are not an educator, but come on you have to give it a little chuckle)

Anyway, he is describing how he got his first job as a writing teacher and how he was not qualified. Anyway, enough's the quote.

"The position was offered at the last minute, when the scheduled professor found a better-paying job delivering pizzas."

Seriously, how brilliant is this guy, what an analogy and to think that professors actually get paid way more than public school teachers. Maybe I would make more money holding one of the signs on the side of the road that show that a business is closing and advertising the great sales they are having. And I wouldn't have to get attitude from 9 year olds....I think I may be on to something.


Hinoon said...

I think I've seen those sign holding jobs on Craigslist before and they only make like $10/hour. I know! I wouldn't do it.

Allison said...

My dad has often told me that he made a lot of money in his career, but didn't make a difference. I think our real pay comes in the form of our students successes. I know cheezy,but true!