Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jack's Mannequin Lyrics

"Have you ever been alone in a crowded room"

I have been into the band Jack's Mannequin lately. They are a pretty mellow group, but last night as I was listening to one of their more popular songs (Dark Blue) this line really stuck out to me.

In my life I am surrounded by so many wonderful people who love me unconditionally, but there are times that I feel so alone even when I know they are there. I am not sure why I feel like that I am alone. I know that I shouldn't since I have such great support systems, but I still do. I have felt this way more in the last year than I ever have in my entire life and I hate feeling alone. It is such a weird feeling to have. My life is this crowded room filled with people who love me and yet I still feel alone and have things I have to do without the support of anyone. Or the fact that I could do things that could make those people leave the room. I don't think I like feeling alone, but it is this overwhelming feeling that has been consuming me lately.


Allison said...

I think that's normal...I mean it made it in the song...right? Hmm something to do a survey on.

Ian said...

I think it is normal too, it just sucks to hear you say that when those that love you feel like we are being there for you and it isn't good enough...

Sospeter Irungu said...

I think it's time to take a hard look at yourself again, deep inside and find out whether you've been fulfilling your purpose in life. I believe man will only be at peace with himself n others when they have stepped into the predetermined path of their lives and begin doing what they were created to do.